Materials for Symposium Organizers

Minutes (only in Czech)
2004 May 05 (word)
2004 December 17 (word)
2005 January 14 (word)
2005 January 28 (word)
2005 March 03 (word)
2005 March 31 (word)
2005 April 28 (word)

D. C. Cassidy
J. Fischer, Ès. èas. fyz. 1985, A 35
O. Frisch, Ès. èas. fyz. 1985, A 35
R. E. Peierls, Nature, 1955, vol. 176
V. F. Weisskopf

New Papers
J. Fischer, CERN Courier
J. Fischer, Universitas (in Czech)
A. Gottvald, Ès. èas. fyz.2005, A 55 (in Czech)

L. van Hove, Nuclear Physics, 1956, vol. 1, 623 (French)
E. Amaldi, La Ricerca Scientifica, 1956, vol. 26, 7 (Italian)

Abstracts of talks
J. Kulda Neutron inelastic scattering at the edge of 21st century
P. Mikula Past and present status of neutron scattering at the Research reactor LVR-15 in Rez

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